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Signs of Heart Disease

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Although the cardiovascular examination centers on the heart, peripheral signs often provide important information.
Although cardiac patients may appear healthy and comfortable at rest, many with acute myocardial infarction appear anxious and restless. Diaphoresis suggests hypotension or a hyperadrenergic state, such as during pericardial tamponade, tachyarrhythmias, or myocardial infarction. Cold and clammy skin or pallor suggests low cardiac output and may be a sign of cardiogenic shock or anemia. Patients with severe chronic CHF or other long-standing low cardiac output states may appear cachectic.
Cyanosis may be central, due to arterial desaturation, or peripheral, reflecting impaired tissue delivery of adequately saturated blood in low-output states, polycythemia, or peripheral vasoconstriction. Clubbing may be present in chronic cyanotic states. Central cyanosis may be caused by pulmonary disease, left heart failure, or right-to-left intracardiac or intrapulmonary shunting; the latter will not be improved by increasing the inspired oxygen concentration. Edema may be present and its pitting nature and extent quantified. Note if presacral edema is present. Severe right heart failure may also present with ascites and scrotal edema.
Vital Signs
Although the normal resting heart rate usually ranges from 50 to 90 beats/min, both slower and more rapid rates may occur in normal individuals or may reflect noncardiac conditions such as anxiety or pain, medication effect, fever, thyroid disease, pulmonary disease, anemia, or hypovolemia. If symptoms or clinical suspicion warrants, an ECG should be performed to diagnose arrhythmia, conduction disturbance, or other abnormalities. The range of normal BP is wide, but even in asymptomatic individuals systolic pressures below 90 mm Hg or above 140 mm Hg and diastolic pressures above 90 mm Hg warrant further clinical evaluation and follow-up. BP may vary between the upper extremities (often the left brachial is slightly lower than the right) and the BP measurement in the leg is usually higher than in the arm. Anxiety may increase the BP, and the patient should be asked if it has been checked in other settings. The ready availability of home BP monitoring or drugstore monitoring units should be considered before beginning antihypertensive therapy if the BP is borderline elevated. Tachypnea is also nonspecific, but pulmonary disease and heart failure should be considered when respiratory rates exceed 16/min under resting conditions. Cheyne–Stokes respiration, a form of periodic breathing is not uncommon in severe heart failure.
Peripheral Pulses & Venous Pulsations
The quality of the pulses palpated is a reflection of the pulse pressure. Diminished peripheral pulses most commonly result from arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease and may be accompanied by localized bruits. Asymmetry of pulses should also arouse suspicion of coarctation of the aorta or aortic dissection, especially if a delay is noted between the brachial or radial pulse and the femoral pulse. Exaggerated upper extremity pulses may indicate aortic regurgitation, coarctation, patent ductus arteriosus, or other conditions that increase stroke volume. The carotid pulse is a valuable aid to assessment of LV ejection. It has a delayed upstroke in aortic stenosis and a bisferiens quality (two palpable peaks) in mixed aortic stenosis and regurgitation or hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. It may be difficult to feel in significant aortic stenosis or in low output states. Pulsus paradoxus (a decrease in systolic BP during inspiration) is a normal sign unless exaggerated to > 10 mm Hg. The most common cause of pulsus paradoxus is asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (see ECG), though its presence may be a critical component to the diagnosis of pericardial tamponade. Pulsus alternans, in which the amplitude of the pulse alternates every other beat during sinus rhythm, occurs when cardiac contractility is very depressed. It is volume dependent and at times can be elicited by feeling the pulse on standing.

Pulmonary Examination
Rales heard at the lung bases are a sign of CHF but may be caused by similarly localized pulmonary disease . Cardiac rales tend to occur late in inspiration and be fine in nature, while pulmonary rales tend to be more coarse and appear in early or mid inspiration. Rales are loudest at the bases in heart failure, and the examiner should note how far up from the diaphragm they are audible. Wheezing suggests obstructive pulmonary disease and only rarely occurs in left heart failure ; . Pleural effusions with bibasilar percussion dullness and reduced breath sounds are common in CHF and are more frequent or larger on the right (see x-ray). Egophony may be present due to pulmonary compression over a pleural effusion or to a pulmonary infiltration.
Precordial Pulsations
A parasternal lift usually indicates right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH), pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery [PA] systolic pressure > 50 mm Hg), or LA enlargement; PA pulsations may also be visible. The examiner should feel the LV apical impulse in the left lateral position and note if it is sustained or enlarged and whether an early impulse (A wave) precedes the main apical thrust. The A wave implies poor LV compliance and corresponds to a fourth heart sound. If the second heart sound is palpable along the left sternal border, it may imply an increased P2 and pulmonary hypertension.
Heart Sounds & Murmurs.
The first heart sound (S1), the closing of the mitral valve and tricuspid valve, may be diminished with severe LV dysfunction or accentuated with mitral stenosis or short PR intervals. Separation of the components of the second heart sound is due to the normally compliant lung, allowing for continuing forward pulmonary flow with systole compared to the aortic flow due to the less compliant arterial system. The pulmonary valve closes later than the aortic valve for that reason (splitting). Inspiration increases flow to the lung and reduces flow to the left heart, and splitting is increased. Splitting may be fixed in atrial septal defect , wide with right bundle branch block, and absent or reversed (paradoxic splitting) with aortic stenosis, LV failure, or left bundle branch block. With normal splitting, an accentuated P2 is an important sign of pulmonary hypertension . Third and fourth heart sounds (ventricular and atrial gallops, respectively) indicate ventricular volume overload or impaired compliance and may be heard over either ventricle (; ). A right-sided gallop may increase with inspiration or may be confirmed if heard in the right subclavicular area (where a left-sided gallop does not usually radiate). A palpable A wave helps confirm an S4. An apical S3 is a normal finding in younger individuals and in high output states, such as pregnancy. Additional auscultatory findings include sharp, high-pitched sounds classified as "clicks." These may be early systolic and represent ejection sounds (as with a bicuspid aortic valve or pulmonary stenosis) or may occur in mid or late systole, indicating myxomatous changes in the mitral valve .
Subcutaneous fluid collections appear first in the lower extremities in ambulatory patients or in the sacral region of bedridden individuals. In heart disease, edema primarily results from elevated RA pressures or associated peripheral venous disease. Right heart failure most commonly results from left heart failure, pulmonary disease, or RV dysfunction and tricuspid regurgitation, or constrictive pericarditis. Edema may also be due to nephrotic syndrome, low serum albumin, cirrhosis, premenstrual fluid retention, or drugs (especially vasodilators such as calcium channel blockers or salt-retaining medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents or thiazolidinedione diabetic agents), or it may be idiopathic. Ascites may predominate, especially in constrictive pericarditis or following aggressive diuretic usage that reduces peripheral edema.
 Thanks for yout attention to Signs of Heart Disease article.

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment  
Stephen J. McPhee, Maxine A. Papadakis, and Lawrence M. Tierney, Jr., Eds.
Ralph Gonzales, Roni Zeiger, Online Eds.

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