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Occlusive Disease: Aorta & Iliac Arteries

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Occlusive Disease: Aorta & Iliac Arteries

Essentials of Diagnosis
  • Cramping; pain or tiredness in the calf, leg, or hip while walking (claudication).
  • Diminished femoral pulses.
  • Tissue loss (ulceration, gangrene) unusual.
    Occlusive Disease

General Considerations

The classic patient with aortoiliac disease is a 50- to 60-year-old male smoker in whom this is the initial manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis. Occlusive disease of the aorta and iliac arteries begins most frequently at the bifurcation of the aorta in the proximal common iliac arteries. Lesions affecting the external iliac arteries are less common. Disease progression may lead to complete occlusion of one or both common iliac arteries, which can precipitate occlusion of the entire abdominal aorta to the level of the renal arteries. Pathologic changes of atherosclerosis may be diffuse, but flow-limiting stenoses occur segmentally. This is particularly true of the aortoiliac segment where patients may have limited or no narrowing of the vessels in the more distal vessels.
Clinical Findings

Symptoms and Signs

Intermittent claudication occurs as a cramping pain brought on by exercise usually located in the calf muscles. The pain may extend into the thigh and buttocks with continued exercise. It may be unilateral or bilateral. Some patients complain only of weakness in the legs when walking, or simply extreme limb fatigue. The symptoms are relieved with rest. With bilateral symptoms, impotence is a common complaint. Femoral pulses are absent or very weak as are the distal pulses. A bruit may be heard over the aorta, iliac, and femoral arteries.

Doppler Findings

The ratio of systolic blood pressure at the ankle compared with the brachial artery of the upper arm, as detected by Doppler examination, is reduced to below 0.9 (normal ratio is 1.0–1.2); this difference is exaggerated by exercise. Segmental wave-forms or pulse volume recordings obtained by strain gaze technology through blood pressure cuffs demonstrate blunting of the arterial inflow throughout the leg.


CT angiography (CTA) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) have largely replaced traditional invasive angiography to determine the anatomic locations of the occlusions. Imaging is only required when intervention is contemplated, since a segmental wave-form analysis should appropriately identify the involved levels of the arterial tree.

Conservative Care

A program that includes smoking cessation, risk factor reduction, weight loss, and walking will substantially improve exercise tolerance. A trial of phosphodiesterase inhibitors, such as cilostazol 100 mg orally twice a day, may be beneficial in approximately two-thirds of patients. In the initial stages of a rehabilitation program, substantial benefit may be derived from simply slowing the cadence of walking.

Surgical Intervention

Intervention to relieve the obstruction is to be considered if claudication interferes appreciably with the patient's essential activities or employment. An aorto-femoral bypass graft that bypasses the occluded segments of the aortoiliac system is a highly effective and durable treatment for this disease. This prosthetic graft extends from the infrarenal abdominal aorta to the common femoral arteries. High-risk patients may also be treated with a graft from the axillary artery to the femoral arteries (axillo-femoral bypass graft) or, in the unusual case of iliac disease limited to one side, a graft from the contralateral femoral artery (fem-fem bypass). The less extensive operations have lower operative risk; however, they are less durable.

Endovascular Techniques

Because the flow-limiting stenoses tend to be segmental, occlusive lesions of the aortoiliac segment can be effectively treated with angioplasty and stenting. This approach matches the results of surgery for single stenoses but both effectiveness and durability decreases with multiple stenoses.


The complications of the aorto-femoral bypass are those of any major abdominal reconstruction in a patient population that has a high penetrance of cardiovascular disease. Mortality should be low, in the range of 2–3%, but morbidity is higher with a 5–10% rate of myocardial infarction. The total complication rate may be over 10%. Complications of endovascular repair include embolization and vessel dissection. These are relatively uncommon and the total complication rate should be below 5% with this technique.


Without intervention the prognosis for patients with aorto-iliac disease include reduction in walking distance but rarely include rest pain or threatened limb loss. Life expectancy is related to their attendant cardiac disease with a mortality rate of 25–40% at 5 years.
Symptomatic relief is generally excellent after intervention. After aorto-femoral bypass, a patency rate of 90% at 5 years is common. Patency rates and symptom relief for less extensive procedures are also good with 20–30% symptom return at 3 years.

Occlusive Disease: Femoral & Popliteal Arteries

Essentials of Diagnosis
  • Cramping; pain or tiredness in the calf only with exercise.
  • Reduced popliteal or pedal pulses.
  • Foot pain at rest, relieved by dependency.
  • Foot gangrene or ulceration.
    Occlusive Disease

General Considerations

The superficial femoral artery (SFA) is the artery most commonly occluded by atherosclerosis. The lesions frequently occur where the SFA passes through the abductor magnis tendon in the distal thigh. The profunda femoris artery and the popliteal artery are relatively spared occlusive lesions except in diabetics. As with atherosclerosis of the aorto-iliac segment, these lesions are closely associated with a history of smoking.
Clinical Findings

Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms of intermittent claudication are confined to the calf. Occlusion of the SFA at the abductor canal when the patient has good collaterals from the profunda femoris will cause claudication at approximately 2–4 blocks. However, with concomitant disease of the profunda femoris or the popliteal artery, much shorter distances may trigger symptoms. With short-distance claudication, dependent rubor of the foot with blanching on elevation may be present. Chronic low blood flow states will also cause atrophic changes in the lower leg and foot with loss of hair, thinning of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, and disuse atrophy of the muscles. As the common femoral artery is rarely affected with occlusive disease, the common femoral pulsation is usually of good quality, but the popliteal and pedal pulses are reduced.

Laboratory Findings

The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is reduced; levels below 0.5 suggest severe reduction in flow. ABI readings depend on arterial compression. Since the vessels may be calcified in diabetic patients and the elderly, ABIs can be misleading and must be accompanied by a wave-form analysis. Pulse volume recordings with cuffs placed at the high thigh, mid thigh, calf, and ankle will delineate the levels of obstruction with reduced pressures and blunted wave-forms. Angiography, CTA, or MRA all adequately show the anatomic location of the obstructive lesions. Generally, these studies are only done if revascularization is planned.


Conservative Care

As with aorto-iliac disease, conservative management has an important role for some patients, particularly those individuals with SFA occlusion and good profunda femoris collaterals. For these patients conservative management as noted above can result in excellent outcomes with no intervention required.
Surgical Intervention

Bypass Surgery

Surgery is indicated if intermittent claudication is progressive, incapacitating or interferes significantly with essential daily activities. Intervention is mandatory if there is rest pain or threatened tissue loss of the foot. The most effective and durable treatment for lesions of the SFA is a femoral-popliteal bypass with autogenous saphenous vein. Synthetic material, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) can be done with relatively short bypasses with excellent distal vessels. These grafts do not have the patency of vein but may have value in patients who have no vein available.


Removal of the atherosclerotic plaque is now limited to the lesions of the common femoral and profunda femoris artery where bypass grafts and endovascular techniques have no role.

Endovascular Surgery

Endovascular techniques have increased in popularity for lesions of the SFA. There are several alternatives. Angioplasty may be combined with stenting either with a bare metal stent or a PTFE-covered stent to form an endoluminal bypass. Cyroplasty, angioplasty with balloon cooled to a –20° and endoluminal atherectomy also have their proponents. These techniques have lower morbidity than bypass but also have a lower rate of success and durability.
The most favorable lesions for endovascular therapy are lesions that are less than 10 cm long and in patients who are undergoing aggressive risk factor modification. After any of these procedures, the patient generally receives lifelong antiplatelet medication, with periprocedural treatment with clopidogrel (75 mg/day) and long-term maintenance therapy with aspirin.


Open surgical procedures of the lower extremity, particularly long bypasses with vein harvest, have a risk of wound infection that is higher than in other areas of the body. Leg infection or seroma can occur in as many as 15–20% of cases. Myocardial infarction rates after open surgery are 5–10%, with a 1–4% mortality rate. Complication rates of endovascular therapy are 1–5%, making these therapies attractive despite their lower durability.


The prognosis for motivated patients with isolated SFA disease is excellent, and surgery is not recommended for mild or moderate claudication in these patients. However, when claudication significantly limits daily activity and undermines quality of life as well as overall cardiovascular health, intervention may be warranted. All interventions require close postprocedure follow-up with ultrasound surveillance so that any recurrent narrowing can be treated promptly to prevent complete occlusion. The patency rate of bypass grafts of the femoral artery, SFA, and popliteal artery may be as high as 70% at 3 years with patency for endovascular procedures somewhat lower.

Occlusive Disease: Lower Leg & Foot Arteries

Essentials of Diagnosis
  • Rest pain of the forefoot relieved by dependency.
  • Pain or numbness of the foot with walking.
  • Ulceration or gangrene of the foot or toes.
  • Pallor when the foot is elevated.

General Considerations

Occlusive processes of the lower leg and foot primarily involve the tibial vessels with only extensive disease involving the arteries of the foot. There often is extensive calcification of the vessel wall. This distribution of atherosclerosis is primarily seen in patients with diabetes mellitus (see illustration). 
Occlusive Disease

Clinical Findings

Symptoms and Signs

Unless there are associated lesions in the aorto-iliac or femoral/SFA segments, claudication may not be evident. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles may receive adequate blood supply from collateral vessels from the popliteal artery; therefore, when disease is isolated to the tibial vessels, there may be foot ischemia without attendant claudication, and rest pain may be the first sign of severe vascular insufficiency. Classically, rest pain is confined to the dorsum of the foot at the area of the metatarsal heads and is relieved with dependency. Because of the high incidence of neuropathy in these patients, it is important to differentiate rest pain from neuropathic dysesthesia. If the pain is relieved by simply dangling the foot over the edge of the bed, which increases blood flow to the foot, then the rest pain is due to vascular insufficiency. The pain is severe, usually burning in character and will awaken the patient from sleep. On examination, depending on whether associated proximal disease is present, there may or may not be femoral and popliteal pulses, but the pedal pulses will be absent. Dependent rubor may be prominent with pallor on elevation. The skin of the foot is generally cool, atrophic, and hairless.

Laboratory Findings

The ABI may be quite low (in the range of 0.3), but ABIs may be falsely elevated because of the noncompressability of the calcified tibial vessels. Wave-form analysis is important in these patients with a monophasic flow pattern denoting critically low flow. Segmental pulse volume recordings will show a fall-off in blood pressure between the calf and ankle, although pulse volume recordings also may also be affected by tibial vessel calcification.
CTA, MRA, or angiography, is often needed to delineate the anatomy of the tibial-popliteal segment.


Good foot care may avoid ulceration, and most diabetic patients will do well with a conservative regimen. However, if ulcerations appear and there is no significant healing within 2–3 weeks, revascularization will be required (see photograph). Infrequent rest pain is not an absolute indication for revascularization. However, rest pain occurring nightly with monophasic wave forms requires revascularization to prevent threatened tissue loss.
Occlusive Disease

Bypass and Endovascular Techniques

Bypass with vein to the distal tibial arteries or foot has been shown to be an effective mechanism to treat rest pain and heal gangrene or ischemic ulcerations of the foot. Because the foot often has relative sparing of vascular disease, these bypasses have had good patency rates (70% at 3 years). Fortunately, in nearly all series, limb salvage rates are much higher than patency rates.
Endovascular techniques are beginning to be used in the tibial vessels with modest results, but bypass grafting remains the primary technique of revascularization.


Patients with rest pain and tissue loss are at high risk for amputation, particularly if revascularization cannot be done, or it may be necessary to debride necrotic or severely infected tissue. Toe amputations, even of the first toe, have little or no affect on the mechanics of walking. A transmetatarsal amputation, removing all toes and the heads of the metatarsals, is durable but increases the energy required of walking by 5–10%. Unfortunately, the next level that can be successfully used for a prosthesis is at the below knee level. The energy expenditure of walking is then increased by 50%. With an above knee amputation the energy required to ambulate may be increased as much as 100%. While there are good prosthetic alternatives for these patients, activity levels are limited after amputation, and there are issues relating to self-image. These factors combine to demand revascularization whenever possible to preserve the limb.

Recosurces : Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2008

Stephen J. McPhee, Maxine A. Papadakis, and Lawrence M. Tierney, Jr., Eds.
Ralph Gonzales, Roni Zeiger, Online Eds.

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